Featured Program
【Application Process】Interdisciplinary Credit Program
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Micro Program in Digital Intelligent Manufacturing
Purpose and Objectives
With the rise of Industry 4.0 ushering in a revolution in automated intelligent production, the development of technologies such as artificial intelligence has made intelligent robots a key player in this industrial revolution. In response to the government's "Smart Robot Industry Promotion Plan" and the growing demand for talent in smart manufacturing technologies within future manufacturing and traditional industries, this interdisciplinary credit program in Robotics Practice and Applications has been established. The program aims to integrate diverse learning resources to cultivate more competitive robotic technology engineers.
Interdisciplinary Credit Program in Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Social Networks
Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of the Artificial Intelligence Program is to enhance students' interdisciplinary learning capabilities and to continually strengthen the connection between students from various fields and trends in the IT industry. This program focuses on introducing interdisciplinary applications of artificial intelligence to spark students' interest in AI, facilitating discussions on foundational knowledge of the field. The aim is to establish the essential competencies needed for AI technical talent and to promote the foundational understanding of AI-related knowledge.
Purpose and Objectives
美國高通技術公司發表指標性《5G經濟》研究報告,檢視5G科技可能將為台灣市場帶來的經濟影響。報告中指出到2035年,由台灣直接或間接創造的5G相關總產值將高達1340億美元。因此加強針對行動通訊模組測試與調校之技術人才之培養,極為迫切。本學程藉由實作使學生瞭解理論及其實用性與侷限性,另一方面培育學生的實務能力;這些課程中的實作,仍然使用本校專業實驗室的設備,其與業界使用的設備相同或是非常近似。 本學程內容著重於「行動通訊模組測試與調校」領域未來發展之趨勢,即時加入符合未來趨勢之課程內涵與其相關的技術,新知識隨時滾動式修正並深化。
Purpose and Objectives
Purpose and Objectives
Purpose and Objectives
Purpose and Objectives
隨著汽車、工業醫療等IOT在寬頻網通的需求 ,高頻速傳輸介面產業持續成長高頻高速傳輸介面技術領域,除機構設計及製造外,尚包括設計、製造、測試以及相關原物料選擇。但因產業快速演變,業者面臨著電子產品市場競爭,使得客戶訂單種類多樣,產品交期集中且壓縮,業者利潤不斷下降,導致中、低階傳輸介面的長期外移,造成台灣產業人才嚴重斷層。據此,本學程將積極銜接各部會人才培育計,開設訓課程以滿足業界高頻速傳輸介面的需求。
Purpose and Objectives